When requesting an eBook purchase, please be aware that access options for eBooks vary:
Single-user editions: allow access to one user at a time. While one person is viewing the eBook, it is unavailable to others. The typical message is: "Sorry, this eBook is in use." Almost all NetLibrary books, available on the EBSCO platform, are single-user titles.
Multi-user editions: the eBook is either: 1) simultaneously available to a set number of users (typically three), or 2) available for unlimited simultaneous use. For example, almost all Ebrary and all SpringerLink eBooks are available for unlimited simultaneous use.
Non-Linear Lending: the vendor designates a maximum number of uses per year (typically 325) and allows unlimited simultaneous access. When the maximum number of uses is reached, the eBook becomes inaccessible. Continued access is obtained by re-purchasing the eBook. We have purchased a small number of eBooks from Ebook Library (EBL) with this option.
If you would like the HSU Library to consider purchasing a specific eBook, please consult with your librarian, who will work with you to determine if/how the eBook is available. Purchasing any book is at the discretion of the librarian and budget availability.