MERLOT is a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.
Every course on Coursera is taught by top instructors from the world’s best universities and educational institutions. Courses include recorded video lectures, auto-graded and peer-reviewed assignments, and community discussion forums.
Enroll in an online introduction to engineering course or explore specific areas such as structural, mechanical, electrical, software or aeronautical engineering. EdX offers free online courses in thermodynamics, robot mechanics, aerodynamics and more from top engineering universities.
Whether you want to brush up on basic science and numeracy skills or master advanced topics like robotics and forensics, our online maths, engineering and science courses will help. Broaden your mind and build your STEM knowledge with top universities.
From declining fisheries to acute urban pollution to record-breaking global temperatures, the evidence of human impact on the environment continues to mount. And at the same time, the environment shapes us, as human society and institutions are built upon our connection to the weather, land, water, and other species.
TED will link you with 5-25 min talks on Environmental Engineering. You can browse by subject, length, or rating to inspire your students to learn more.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are private, nonprofit institutions that provide expert advice on some of the most pressing challenges facing the nation and the world. Our work helps shape sound policies, inform public opinion, and advance the pursuit of science, engineering, and medicine.
The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The NAP publishes more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and medicine, providing authoritative, independently-researched information on important matters in science and health policy.
The lesson may be used in American history, social studies, and geography courses in units on conservation and the environment or the influence of the automobile on popular culture.