Handbooks and Manuals
You can search in the Library Catalog under the subject of "Biology" and more specific subheadings such as "methodology" or "techniques" or "laboratory manuals" or "measurement" or "handbooks, manuals, etc." Or check out some of these suggestions to get an idea of what to look for:
- Biology Data Book (Altman) 1972-1974 (ref QH310 A39 1972) (3 volumes) Compilation of evaluated reference data in the life sciences, with over 18,000 literature citations from which the information was compiled.
- Handbook of Bird Biology (Lovette) 2016 (ref ProQuest EBOOK) Covers all aspects of avian diversity, behavior, ecology, evolution, physiology, and conservation. Using examples drawn from birds found in every corner of the globe, it explores and distills the many scientific discoveries that have made birds one of our best known - and best loved - parts of the natural world.
- Cell Biology: a laboratory handbook (Celis) 2006 (ref QH583.2 .C45 2006) Covers topics ranging from transfer of macromolecules and small molecules to cloning of embryos, transgenics, and gene targeting. Cell-free extracts, permeabilized cell systems, and expression systems are also discussed, along with proteins. Comprised of 58 chapters, this volume begins with a detailed account of microinjection of RNA, DNA, and proteins into somatic cells, followed by an analysis of computer-automated capillary microinjection of macromolecules into living cells.
- Molecular biology techniques a classroom laboratory manual (Carson) 2012 (ref ProQuest EBOOK) Introduces advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students to the techniques of recombinant DNA technology, or gene cloning and expression. The techniques used in basic research and biotechnology laboratories are covered in detail.
- Measuring the distribution of animals in relation to the environment (Western and Grimsdell) 1979 (ref QH352 W47 1979)
A list of different resources you can use for accessing and managing protocol information.
protocols.io - A secure platform for developing and sharing reproducible methods.
Bio-protocol.org - Created in 2011 by a group of Stanford scientists, Bio-protocol is an online peer-reviewed protocol journal. Its mission is to make life science research more efficient and reproducible by curating and hosting high quality, free access protocols.
Current Protocols - A comprehensive source for step-by-step protocols and overviews covering essential and advanced experimental design, methods, and analyses in all areas of the life sciences including molecular and cell biology, genetics, bioinformatics, immunology, neuroscience, microbiology, pharmacology, chemical biology, model organisms, translational research, and more.