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Visit the Library Makerspace on the second floor!

Upcoming Events

The Makerspace is closed for summer, but we'll be back with new design challenges, MeetUps, and open hours in Fall 2024.

While there aren't any events, you can still share your maker projects with us. Submit to our Google Form, or email them to us at makerspace@humboldt.edu to showcase your projects.


Makerspace Meetups for Fall 2024

During Makerspace Meetups you can meet with other makers (like yourselves), or work on self-directed or class projects. MeetUps are casual gatherings to work on themed topics with no specific lesson plans. Meet up with us in the Makerspace to chat about projects, ideas, and troubleshooting for all kinds of maker topics, or just to get connected with other people interested in being creative. No experience needed and all skill levels are welcome. Learn with beginners and more expert participants in a low-stakes environment.

MeetUps for Fall 2024 will be announced late August/Early September.

Have a skill or topic you'd like to learn about in the Makerspace or want to do a pop-up maker event, offer a SkillShop on a tool, skill, or topic that you are knowledgeable about? Email us at makerspace@humboldt.edu