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Learn new skills online in a way that works best for you!
Canvas online SkillShops allow you to work at your own pace. There are many different Canvas SkillShops on a variety of topics. Each Canvas SkillShop takes 1-1.5 hours if you tackle all at once, or else you can break that up and finish it over a weekend or even longer.
Looking for face to face workshops? Take a look at the calendar to find a wide range of in-person SkillShops!
Faculty can integrate any of our online SkillShops as a Canvas assignment by importing the SkillShop assignment template from the Canvas Commons. See our instructions on importing from Canvas Commons for more details or contact us at skillshops@humboldt.edu with any questions.
If you want to share direct links to SkillShops, use the shareable links listed with each SkillShop.
All drawings on this page and in other SkillShops materials CC0 from Open Doodles by Pablo Stanley.