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Discovery and Metadata Services provide original descriptions and discovery tools for monographs, serials, and digital objects at Cal Poly Humboldt University Library and Special Collections. Use this guide for metadata guidelines and data dictionaries, as well as policies for metadata implementation.
The library maintains three institutional repositories, each for different purposes. The following table is a list of repositories used for digital objects:
Cal Poly Humboldt Digital Archive | The Cal Poly Humboldt Digital Archive makes available digitized photograph collections from the Special Collections and Archives at Cal Poly Humboldt Library. We currently have fifteen thousand digitized archival photographs, and more are being processed and digitized every day. |
DigitalCommons @ Cal Poly Humboldt | Digital Commons @ Cal Poly Humboldt promotes research, scholarly publications, and creative works from Cal Poly Humboldt and The Press at Cal Poly Humboldt. We advance knowledge as a publisher of educational, scholarly, trade books, and creative works. Cal Poly Humboldt Library provides opportunities to publish and share research with the academic and global community, including: journal hosting, conference management, book publishing, editorial and peer-review tools, and scholar pages. |
ScholarWorks | ScholarWorks is a shared institutional repository that collects, preserves, and provides access to scholarship by research communities at The California State University. Collections include CSU faculty publications, student dissertations and theses, datasets, and teaching materials. |
In addition, the library utilizes several online platforms to aid in search and discovery of our collections:
Archive-It Collections | Archived web pages associated with Cal Poly Humboldt and Humboldt County, curated by the Special Collections department in the library. |
California Revealed | Cal Poly Humboldt's digital collection at California Revealed consists of moving images and audio recordings from the 1920s to the 2000s. The collection includes oral histories, radio interviews with local authors including Raymond Carver, recordings of Native American traditions and arts including the work of Brian Tripp of the Karuk Tribe, and extensive audiovisual recordings related to environmental activism, forest restoration, and resource management in Northern California. |
Omeka | Omeka is used to create digital exhibits, mostly curated by student interns and assistants in the Special Collections department of the library. Our student projects page lists various digital exhibits created over the years. |
Online Archive of California (OAC) | The Online Archive of California (OAC) provides free public access to detailed descriptions of primary resource collections maintained by more than 300 contributing institutions including libraries, special collections, archives, historical societies, and museums throughout California and collections maintained by the 10 University of California (UC) campuses. Cal Poly Humboldt posts all of its finding aids on the OAC. |
Discovery and Metadata Services happen through the magic of an adhocracy, created out of necessity from the expertise distributed within three departments: Special Collections, Scholarly Communications, and Information Resource Management. It's membership is fluid, but largely consists of four people: Sarah Godlin (Archivist & Digital Publishing Specialist), Brianne Hagen (Discovery & Metadata Services Librarian), Carly Marino (Special Collections Librarian & Archivist) and Kyle Morgan (Scholarly Communications & Digital Scholarship Librarian). We welcome participation and feedback from others on our digital collections.
Brianne Hagen
Content from this guide was inspired by the Cataloging and Metadata Services Team at University of Washington Libraries.