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Forestry, Fire & Rangeland Management Research Guide

Recommended Databases

Popular, Scholarly, and Trade Professional Sources in the Natural Resources & Sciences

How to Pre-Read Scholarly Articles

Looking For A Specific Journal?

Use the Journal Finder to search for journal titles by name.

Google Scholar

Link your Google Scholar results to HSU and see which articles you have access to as an HSU student. Under Google Scholar settings, set "Library Links" to include Humboldt State University! View this short video for demonstration on how to do this.

How do I find journal articles on my topic?

There are search strategy guides tailored to science: Identifying Concepts and Generating Search Terms and AND, OR, NOT (Boolean Operators).

Citation Searching

If you know of an article on your topic, you may use Citation Linker to locate the article.  

Always look at the References list at the end of each relevant article you find, to see if any of the listed sources might be useful!

Google Scholar is useful when searching citations. The Advanced Scholar Search option is the best way to search for articles which cite a known article. Check the "Cited by #" link below a search result to find additional useful sources - more recent articles which cite that relevant or classic article.  

More ways to search citations may also be found in the Citation Searching section of Searching the Scientific Literature.

Peer-Reviewed Article?

Peer-reviewed articles have been read and evaluated by experts in the field to determine their quality and relevance to the subject they address before being published. 

The links below explain more about peer-reviewed articles and the peer-review process.

Peer Review in 3 Minutes is a brief tutorial, from North Carolina State University that explains the peer review process in detail.