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Forestry & Wildland Resources Research Guide

Starting Points

  • Introduction to Fire in California (Carle) 2008 (SD 421.32. C2 C38 2008) (California Natural History Guides # 95) Basic introduction to all apects of fire in California including an overview of major wildfires in California's history; Native Americans and fire; fire ecology; effects of fire on wildlife, soil, water, and air; what to do before, during, and after fires; firefighting organizations and land management agencies; and current policies.


  • Glossary of Wildland Fire Management Terms Used in the United States (McPherson, Wade, and Phillips) 1990 (ref SD 421.3 M26)

Agencies and Organizations

Literature Databases and Bibliographies

In addition to the following databases and bibliographies you may want to search databases listed in Articles and Datatases: Forestry (see link below).

  • Bibliographies on Chaparral and the Fire Ecology of Other Mediterranean Systems (Keeley) 1988 (California Water Resources Center Report #69) (TD 224 C3 C3 No.69)
  • Effects of Fire on Forests: A Bibliography (US Forest Service Library) 1938 (Docs A 13.2 F51/25) Includes 605 references arranged by subject.
  • Fire: A Summary of Literature in the United States from the Mid-1920s to 1966 (Cushwa) 1968 (Docs A 13.62:13-2 F51) Includes 823 references categorized by broad topic.
  • Forest Fire Research in California: An Annotated Bibliography, 1923-1961 (Wilson & Nilsson) 1962 (Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station Miscellaneous Paper No. 75) (Docs A 13.62/9:75)


Literature Reviews

  • Synthesis of Knowledge Reports..... Series of reports sponsored by the Joint Fire Science Program (see link below) which funds scientific research on wildland fires. Search "synthesis" in the search box on the home page. You will find wildland fire synthesis reports related to climate change, woody biomass removal, extreme fire behavior, understory vegetation, wildlife and other topics.
  • Wildland Fire in Ecosystems (U.S. Forest Service) 2000-2008 (Docs A 13.88: RMRS-42 vol 1-5) (USFS General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-42) Six volume state-of-the-knowledge review emphasizing the principles and processes that influence the effects of fire on ecosystems in the United States and Canada. Updates the earlier review series prepared in the 1970's. The six volumes in the "Rainbow Series" include 1) Effects of Fire on Fauna, 2) Effects of Fire on Flora, 3) Effects of Fire on Cultural Resources and Archeology, 4) Effects of Fire on Soil and Water, 5) Effects of Fire on Air and 6) Fire and Nonnative Invasive Plants (see links below)

Handbooks and Manuals

  • "Fire Management" (Barney and others), pp. 189-251 IN Forestry Handbook (Wenger) 1984 (ref SD 373 F58 1984)




Statistical and Data Compilations

  • Wildfire Statistics (formerly Forest Fire Statistics) 1938- (Docs A 13.32/2) Annual report on wildfires on federal, state, and private lands including statistics on causes, size classes, and acres burned.

Current Fires