A very extensive page - make sure to scroll down to the Research & Statistics section at the bottom. This includes links to the National Center for Education Statistics and to ERIC as well as the What Works Clearinghouse.
Common Core State Standards Initiative California has joined this initiative. See Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium for the assessment connection and Common Core State Standards Crosswalk from ALA/AASL.
Education World "The Educator's Best Friend" - news, lesson plans and more, with 8 different subscribable newsletters.
Khan Academy Free courses for students who need extra help in some subjects, or a great tool for teacher's who need to brush up on algebra. Khan includes Common Core methods for teaching.
Great Web Sites for Kids American Library Association is responsible for this carefully selected collection of web sites. The selection criteria are particularly nice.
Homework Center Multnomah County Library provides this page. Sites are grouped by subject; "Social Issues" is particularly useful.
The Learning Page... Especially for Teachers Primary source material galore and how to use it in the classroom, including copyright information all from the Library of Congress American Memory.
Library to Go An audiobook and eBook service with children and young adult selections available through Humboldt County Public Library.
LibrivoxFree, public domain, audiobooks for children and young adults.