Northern California(US EPA) Dataset produced for the Western EMAP Northern California Pilot Study Area (NCPSA). The dataset study area includes the Pacific Ocean coastline from Tomales Bay in California to the mouth of the Rogue River in Oregon on the west, the Oregon-California state line to near Goose Lake on the north, and the western edge of California’s Central Valley to near the community of Petaluma on the east and south. The purpose of the dataset is to help resource managers "understand and access the status and trends in the condition of the area's ecological resources and the stressors affecting these systems." The dataset includes layers for hydrograhy, land cover, roads, vegetation, soils, land ownership, mines, regulated facilities, and demography. Also included is the Analytical Tools Interface for Landscape Assessments (ATtILA) ArcView extension that allows users to calculate common landscape metrics, including landscape, riparian, and physical characteristics, and human stresses.