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Reference materials can provide you with background information, major theories or researchers, and definitions of key terms. Print and selected electronic reference materials are listed in the HSU Library Catalog and may be located by adding terms such as encyclopedia?, director?, dictionar?, etc. to your search. You might also try searching for electronic and print reference materials by choosing Reference Collection (including Eref) from the pull-down "Limit To:" menu.
American Men and Women of Science: Physical and Biological Sciences. 22nd edition. NY: Bowker, 2005. (Ref CT 213 A4) - Earlier editions (1944-65) are in book collection (second floor, south) (CT 213 A4). The 21st edition (2003) is available online (see link below).
Biographical Dictionary of American Science: the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979. (Ref Q 141 E37) Scope: birthdates 1606-1867.
Biographical Encyclopedia of Mathematicians. New York : Marshall Cavendish, c1999. (Ref QA 28 B544 1999) - 2 volume work
Cook, Mariana Ruth. Mathematicians: an outer view of the inner world. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009. (QA 28 C559 2009) - This book contains photographs of 92 current mathematicians along with brief autobiographical accounts of what drives them to pursue mathematics. Includes famous mathematcians such as John Nash (subject of the film A Beautiful Mind) and Benoit Mandelbrot (fractals in geometry and nature).
Dictionary of Scientific Biography. NY: Scribner, 1970-. (Ref Q 141 D5) - 18 volume set.
McElroy, Tucker. A to Z of Mathematicians. New York : Facts On File, c2005. (QA 28 M395 2005)
National Academy of Sciences. Biographical Memoirs (see link below). Washington: National Academy of Sciences. (Q 141 N2) Series of volumes containing brief biographies of deceased members of the National Academy of Sciences and bibliographies of their published scientific contributions. (HSU Library has vol. 26-82 in print format.) - Latest volume has cumulative index for entire series. All 1500+ memoirs are also available online through the publisher's site (see link below). They may also be found by searching the HSU Library Catalog for the title Biographical Memoirs and selecting Electronic Books from the pull-down "Limit To:" menu(see link below).
Poggendorff, J.C. J. C. Poggendorffs biographisch-literarisches Handwörterbuch für Mathematik, Astronomie, Physik mit Geophysik, Chemie, Kristallographie und verwandte Wissensgebiete ... Leipzig: J.A. Barth, 1863-. (Ref Q 141 P64) Authoritative German language handbook series. Full biographical information and published works of mathematicians and other physical science scientists of all countries. Article titles are cited in the language in which they were published.
Young, Robyn V. Notable Mathematicians : From Ancient Times to the Present. Detroit: Gale, 1998. (Ref QA 28 N66 1998)