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Nursing Research Guide

A guide for research in nursing and health sciences.

APA Citations Online SkillShop

American Psychological Association Style

APA Logo

The American Psychological Association (APA) has established a style that it uses in all of the books and journals that it publishes. Many others working in the social and behavioral sciences have adopted this style as their standard as well.

APA's style rules and guidelines are set out in their publication manual:

Citation styles change over time. Be sure to only use the most recent resources that reflect the current edition.

APA Style

Online Resources from APAStyle.org

APA Style
This is a great resource for examples of how to cite different kinds of resources, to get an understanding of the differences between in-text citation and the reference list, and also better understand what plagiarism is and how to prevent it when using APA style. The APA manual is more in-depth with explanation, but this is a good reference for many common citation questions.

About APA Style

Watch the Tutorials and Webinars on APA Style.

The APA Style website also has their APA Style Blog, which includes blog posts answering questions that come up for APA citation that are commonly asked. 

Purdue OWL

Citing Online Sources in APA

Citing Online sources: 

Citing Websites:

Citing Images, Videos & Other Media

Common APA Errors

Below is a reminder of some common formatting details that sometimes are overlooked.

  • Reference list:
    • Line Spacing: double-space the reference list.
    • Hanging indent: indent all but the first line of each entry (the opposite of how you indent a paragraph).
    • Italicization: book titles, journal titles and volume number are italicized; do not italicize article titles.
    • DOI: for electronic materials, if you have a doi#, you do not need to include the URL.
    • You do not need to include which database you found the article in (this is sometimes included if you use an auto-generated citation from a database--you should always double check auto-generated citations for accuracy). 
  • Capitalization: for book or article titles, only capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle. Also capitalize proper nouns.