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Not all Zotero features are available on Chromebooks or iOS. However, there are many features that can be used within your browser on any computer or device.

What you can’t do

  • The word processor integrations do not currently work with Chromebooks, iPads or iPhones.
    • You won't see a Zotero tab in Google Docs or other word processor programs.
  • You can’t auto-generate in-text citations from within your word processor.
  • You can’t auto-generate the reference list from within your word processor.
  • You cannot auto-generate in-text citations from the Web Library.

What you can do

  • Save articles to your Web Library using the Chrome browser connector (Chromebooks) or using the Safari browser share options (iOS). You may need to "Enable Saving to Online Library" option if prompted.
  • Auto-generate a reference list or bibliography from the iOS app.
    • Select the items you want to include and tap the share icon. You can save the reference list to your clipboard and paste it into a word processor other text field/program (like Canvas).
  • Auto-generate a reference list or bibliography from your Web Library.
    • Click to select the articles you want to add to your bibliography.
    • Ctrl+click or shift+click to select multiples.
    • Click the ‘Create Bibliography’ icon (highlighted in green below). It looks like books on a bookshelf.
    • Or click the 'Create Citation' icon (highlighted in purple below). It looks like a quoted passage of text.

Screenshot showing location of 'Create Citation' and 'Create Bibliography' buttons.

iOS App (iPads & iPhones)

While the iPad app is quite intuitive, you may find it helpful to follow along with this brief tutorial that covers app setup and saving articles.

One feature that is particularly useful in the iOS app is the PDF annotation tools. You can read and annotate your articles all within the Zotero iOS app!

Off-campus Software Access

You can access most of the software available on campus computers from off-campus using the Virtual Lab (VLab). This includes MS Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, Camtasia, and many more programs that would otherwise be expensive to purchase. If you are having issues accessing these services, visit the ITS System Status page to make sure they are working properly.

VLab (all computers with internet access) allows you to login to a virtual desktop that includes software typically available in Cal Poly Humboldt computer labs (current list of VLab software). Does not require any connection software.