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The content on this page is from the online SkillShop Writing With Sources, which is a one-hour tutorial on properly using sources to avoid plagiarism and academic dishonesty. If you complete the SkillShop, you'll earn a badge that can be shared with your instructors or included in your resume.
The video below demonstrates a strategy to use a source by quoting it directly (8 mins). If the assignment you are working on allows you to quote your sources, this can be a very effective way to use a source -- as long as you follow some simple guidelines.
While it might feel intimidating at first, these guidelines (see below for a summary) and some practice doing it will get you comfortable with the process and ensure that you avoid plagiarism. And if you're feeling like you need more support, there are many free resources on campus to help you with effective quoting, including the Writing Studio ConsultantsLinks to an external site. and LibrariansLinks to an external site., who are truly excited to talk to you about your project (we're not just saying that).
Quotations should include the following components to ensure that you are following the Cal Poly Humboldt Academic Honesty Policy:
Effective quotes will also follow these guidelines:
The videos below demonstrate a strategy and some tips on how to effectively use a source by paraphrasing. The first video is an in-depth demonstration and overview (8 mins). The second video is a review of the tips shared in the longer video (2 mins, 30 seconds).
Sometimes your assignment requirements will not allow you to quote your sources. Even when you are allowed to quote, it might be more effective to paraphrase than quote. Paraphrasing is a little more complicated than quoting, but following a few simple strategies can help you create effective paraphrases and with some practice, it will often even feel pretty easy!
But as with all of the other topics in the tutorial, if you ever feel like you can use some more help or need some questions answered, we are here to help! There are many ways to get in touch with the Writing StudioLinks to an external site. and LibrariansLinks to an external site..
These strategies can help you with your paraphrasing (watch the video below for a more in-depth review):
For a review of the strategies and takeaways in the above video, watch this quick (2:30) video review on creating effective paraphrases.
Students tell us that they often feel rushed to get their assignment done on time and avoid citing or properly quoting because it's too much work. This is understandable, but is not an acceptable reason to plagiarize someone else's work. And while it certainly often feels like there isn't time to properly cite or quote, once you've practiced it a couple of times you may come to feel that it's one of the easier parts of completing an assignment.
Students have also reported that they've been quoting incorrectly for years. Don't feel embarrassed or worried about this- it is confusing and that's a big reason why we're here to help! This is a skill that is often overlooked or not fully addressed in high schools and college. You're also not alone- we've developed this tutorial to help everyone become better with using outside sources because it is such an important and complicated thing to learn -- while you're also earning a degree and living your life. You've got a lot on your plate and we are here to help if you need us!
You have a lot of people on campus who can provide feedback and guidance for your assignments. The Writing Studio and the Library are available for everyone no matter your skill level or experience. Take advantage of the free resources in your academic support network. If you already have some knowledge about common research and writing skills, they can help you brush up on knowledge and be a second pair of eyes to look over your writing and citation.
The Writing Studio (a program of the Learning Center) provides free, friendly writing support for Cal Poly Humboldt students at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to final touches. Writing consultants are undergraduate and graduate students from a range of majors who have been trained to support their peers with their writing.
Time management, accurate note taking, and planning are strategies that will help you avoid plagiarism, but we know developing and practicing those skills can sometimes be challenging if you've got to figure it out on your own. Academic peer coaches at the Learning Center are here to support you in developing those skills and you can check in with them throughout the semester. Make an appointment with them to get support from your fellow students.
You can also get support from fellow students and professional staff via the Cal Poly Humboldt Learning Center Discord by sending messages or joining a video chat group on one of the channels. You can find a study group, share tips, and learn from other students who are collaborating and sharing in the various channels in this Discord server.
Contact a Librarian for support on your research assignments. You can email us your questions, or ask to set up a live appointment on Zoom. You can also get to know the Cal Poly Humboldt librarians and what they do by visiting the Librarians website!