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Sustainable Learning for Students

Student resources for finding open and sustainable texts/materials for courses at Cal Poly Humboldt.

Morgan Barker

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Morgan Barker
Sustainability Librarian
LIB 206 - (707) 826-4930 mew11@humboldt.edu
Subjects: OER, Sustainability

Get Your Books/Materials at Lower Costs

Bookshelf, full of books.

Get Your Textbooks at Lower Costs, Using OER/AL$ Methods

This is your resource to help navigate finding your textbook/course materials at low or no cost by thoughtfully researching and comparing the following options: finding books/content online, using Library checkout, sharing textbooks/materials, researching content, renting textbooks for less, or buying textbooks for less.

Join the adventure here for self-guided instruction on less costly and free ways to get access to your required course readings and textbooks. Click on each tab above to learn about the different strategies.

Want some assistance or have questions? Send a note to oer@humboldt.edu or stop by the Library to talk to a librarian.

Borrow Before You Buy

Textbooks are expensive, but buying new is not the only option in most cases.  Take a look at some free and affordable options that you can leverage to make sure you get access to your required course materials. 

Material Access Options

  • Library Reserves - limited checkout period, usually 4 hours (not for the semester)

  • Library Collection - eBooks 

  • Library Resource Sharing - Resource Sharing request form to get an electronic .pdf copy of a specific chapter. It is unlikely that your request for a full text physical copy will be fulfilled for traditional textbooks. There are also limits to how many chapters or how much of the text that can be shared through Resource Sharing due to copyright. 

  • Borrow - Local, Humboldt County Libraries, or hometown library with digital access (requires a free public library card).

  • Rent - per semester, from a bookstore. 

  • Class Book Swap - students purchase/rent, etc. (1) book and swap with students who have access to another book. 

  • Share - with another, or group 

  • Purchase - new, used, etc. 

What is OER? Per the Creative Commons: "Open Educational Resources are teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse, without charge. OER often have a Creative Commons or GNU license that state specifically how the material may be used, reused, adapted, and shared."

What is AL$? Per the CSU: CSU's Affordable Learning Solutions enables faculty to choose and provide more affordable, quality educational content for their students. By reducing CSU student course material expenses, more students acquire the course materials they need to succeed and benefit from their CSU learning experience. Now CSU faculty and students have greater access to quality free and lower cost learning materials through a variety of AL$ programs and partnerships.

How can Faculty use Sustainable Learning? See the LIBGuide on that topic! 

Book stack

Information You Need - Textbook Title/Authors/Edition + ISBN

As you begin, there is critical information you need to know about your textbooks or materials to start your research. Having this information on hand - listed in a document, notes page, or word file - will help you find lower cost options.

Start your research: 

Why do I need the textbook Title/Author/Edition? Textbooks are interesting - they are books that are consistently updated, even having different authors for each year the book is produced. The exact title, authors and edition will get you to the right book that your faculty requires. As well, this is a great opportunity to ask if other used, various editions will be allowed for use. Many faculty will OK this, as long as you know the content may differ a bit, or may be in a different order. 

What is an ISBN? An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. ISBNs were 10 digits in length up to the end of December 2006, but they now consist of 13 digits. These are found on the title page of a text, in the record of a Library catalog, or in the product information on a commercial site like the Bookstore. The International ISBN Agency can give you more information. 

Where can I find this information?

  • Cal Poly Humboldt Class Schedules: Check Course Schedules -  Cal Poly Humboldt class schedules give students a link, per course, leading to required textbooks. This information can be used for lower cost option research. If there isn't any information, your class might not have a textbook, or your faculty will post more about it in Canvas.

Desk and Computer

Find Texts/Materials Online

Now that you know what you are looking for, head online with your titles/authors/editions and ISBN numbers. 

Start your search: 

Get a baseline for each item: What is the average cost? Are there any places that offer the text for free, or a sample of the text to get you started? 

Where can I compare costs and access to each item? Where can I find free texts/materials? 

College Library

Find Texts/Materials on Campus

Now that you know what you are looking for, head to campus, or campus websites with your titles/authors/editions and ISBN numbers. With a bit of research, you may find more affordable options amid the expensive.

Start your search: 

Go to all likely spots: Student resource spots like the library or student services can help, when lower cost text/materials may not be easy to find. 

Where can I compare costs and access to each item? Where can I find free texts/materials? 

Desk Chairs

Encourage Faculty to Use OER/AL$

Lower cost textbooks/materials are important for all students...

Here are ways you can help, as a student: 

  • Tell faculty you are interested in lower cost materials.
  • Make it known to faculty that you plan to coop share textbooks with a fellow student, or group.
  • Make it known to faculty that you are using the textbook on reserve in the library.
  • Honestly share your story with faculty - how textbook costs impact your ability to buy basic needs like food, housing, etc. 
  • Send on any articles, books, or other materials you find for free.
  • Ask faculty how you can help research lower cost options.
  • Encourage faculty to think sustainably about purchasing patterns, reuse, etc. 

Where can I get information to help my faculty?