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All first-time users must register for an account.
New to SciFindern? Take a look at the Quick Reference Guide (PDF).
SciFindern is a research discovery tool that provides access to the world's literature in chemistry, biochemistry, and chemical engineering. As the most comprehensive resource for research in chemistry and chemistry-related fields, it also provides access to research from many related scientific disciplines, including biomedical sciences, materials science, and agricultural science. Composed of the Chemical Abstracts Service family of databases, SciFindern allows you to identify journal articles, patents, dissertations, books, and conference proceedings in chemistry as well as information about chemicals and chemical reactions. It includes:
All all first-time users must register for an account. When you fill in the form (seen below), it would be best if you provide your Cal Poly Humboldt email address. You also need to select a username and password. Note that there are requirements for selecting your username and password. Keep track of your username and password as you will be asked for them each time you access SciFindern.
When accessing SciFindern from an off-campus computer, you'll be prompted first for your Cal Poly Humboldt ID and password and then for your SciFindern username and password.
There are many tutorials on searching SciFindern available on the web. Here are some useful ones:
From a citation in SciFindern, click on the Full Text link that appears with every record on the results summary and full record displays. For articles the resulting screen will give links directly to the publisher's content and/or a link to "H. Find the FULL TEXT." It is important to remember that the Full Text link does not mean that an electronic version of that document exists - it merely begins a search for one. If the full text link does not bring up the article or book, you should search for journals in the Journal Search or for books and other materials in OneSearch.
If the Library does not have the book, report, dissertation, article, etc. which you need, you may request it through Resource Sharing (formerly InterLibrary Loan).