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Politics Research Guide

Executive Branch: President

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States

The Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States (the Presidential Papers) is the official publication of United States Presidents' public writings, addresses, and remarks.

Presidential Papers at Humboldt

Call Number: Docs AE 2.114 (1929-2010)

Presidential Papers Online

Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents

The weekly and daily compilations of presidential documents are the official publications released by the White House Press Secretary.

Weekly & Daily Compilations Online

Federal Register: The Daily Journal of the United States Government

A daily update of documents published by Federal agencies including Presidential actions.  To see only Presidential documents use the Federal Register Advanced Search and select the "Document Category" called "Presidential Document". You can also filter by "Presidential Document Type" or by individual President. 

Executive Branch: Foreign Relations of the United States

Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS)

The Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) is a serial publication of the United States Department of State's Office of the Historian. FRUS documents the historical record of all major United States foreign policy decisions and diplomatic activity.


Call Number: Docs S1.1 [year] [volume]. (Location: 2nd floor, north). There are multiple years and volumes in the stacks. (1861-1976)

FRUS Online:

Judicial Branch: Supreme Court

United States Reports

The opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States are published officially in a set of case books called the United States Reports. Only the printed bound volumes of the United States Reports contain the final, official opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Reports at Humboldt

Call Number: Docs JU 6.8
Location: US Government Documents, 2nd Floor, north.

Reports Online

Legislative Branch: Congress

The Congressional Record

The Congressional Record is the official text of the proceedings of the United States Congress. The Congressional Record Index is an indexed list of names and topics from a specific congressional session.

This guide to the Dates of Congressional Sessions maps session number to calendar year.

The Congressional Record at Humboldt

Call Number: Doc X (1873-1988)
Location: US Documents Storage-Request at Circulation

Call Number: Doc X (1989-2003)
Location: US Government Documents, 2nd floor, north.

The Congressional Record Online

Congressional Bills, Documents, Hearings, and Reports

Government Agencies