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The Open Pedagogy Project Roadmap

Fostering a Dynamic, Interactive Learning Environment

Section B: Support for Your Open Pedagogy Project

Module B1: Structural and Systemic Support


Now that you've scoped your project in Section A, it's essential to identify the support you can expect from within the structures and systems that your teaching happens. This may require researching and/or conversing with your institution's administrators and colleagues. We recommend looking at your institution's strategic plan and documenting how your project aligns with the goals in the plan. In your research and conversations, you will also want to inquire about the possibilities of receiving funding or even time to allow you to plan and execute the project.

You will also want to look to your scholarly and disciplinary spaces to explore whether there are communities of practice, repositories of open work, or support for the scholarship of teaching and learning. One final place to look is the regional open education groups and consortia for your particular location. These communities are resources for discovering potential alignment with state or regional OER initiatives, potential funding sources, and disciplinary colleagues doing similar work.

Access the worksheet here: 

Module B1: Structural and Systemic Support

Module B2: Logistical Support


While teaching can be solitary, it inherently becomes collaborative when you open up your pedagogy and bring students in. To prepare to collaborate with students in this way, it is essential to identify and seek out pedagogical support for yourself as the instructor. While we talked about collaborators in Module A2, when you considered your capacity for the project, Module B2 asked you to think about other people and resources that may be available to you to help make your project successful, from the design to the assessment phases. Open pedagogy projects can involve Creative Commons licenses, copyrighted materials, new web applications, editorial skills, research, new assignments, and ways of assessing — all of which require different expertise.

Access the worksheet here: 

Module B2: Logistical Support

Module B3: Technological Support


Technologies will be part of your open pedagogy project. They may include institution-supported technologies that you're already familiar with and/or external platforms, software, or products that may or may not be supported by your institution. Because of the collaborative nature of open pedagogy projects, you will likely need to use shared digital spaces where you and students can collectively work, edit, revise, and review each other's contributions.

It is critical to document what technologies you will need for your project, what kind of support you will have for them, and think about how they are funded. As you think about your students, consider what type of training they might need to use the technologies you'll introduce for this project. Also, consider whether the technologies you're using support accessibility. And finally, you will want to have a plan or a place of backup for the dreaded but inevitable updates, migrations, or crashes.

Access the worksheet here:

Module B3: Technological Support

"The Open Pedagogy Project Roadmap" by Christina Riehman-Murphym and Bryan McGeary is licensed CC BY-NC 4.0.